
A round-table discussion: Global challanges of the future

The fast and major changes that transcend national borders are increasingly shaping our lives. At DOBA Business School, we believe that in addition to striving to adapt to these changes, our mission also includes their timely recognition and anticipation of at least a part of their impact, thus adapting our activities accordingly.

In the context of our mission, DOBA Business School will thus organise a round-table discussion as a forum for the exchange of knowledge. The discussion will focus on the global challenges of the future that we can anticipate. We will host excellent speakers, scientists and experts who will try to bring clarity to the processes around us, in particular in view of changes in business and its environment.

Other important aspects that will be covered by the speakers include the importance of change in higher education and how to prepare students for global change.

The round-table discussion will be moderated by Jasna Dominko Baloh, the founder and Director of DOBA Business School, Maribor and will feature excellent speakers:

  • Prof. Dr Rasto Ovin, Dean of DOBA Business School, Maribor 
  • Dr Andreja Kodrin, InvestEU member, founder of Quintaum, and visiting lecturer at DOBA Business Schol 
  • Mag. Branko Žibret, partner and Managing Director at Kearney 
  • Mag. Mitja Jermol, Head of the Centre for Knowledge Transfer in Information Technologies of the Jožef Stefan Institute

The event will be held in Slovenian with simultaneous interpretation in English provided.

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