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How to find the right work-life balance

24. april 2023

In today’s world, where we are constantly connected and accessible via mobile devices, finding the right work-life balance seems to be getting harder and harder. Our schedules are typically packed to the brim and constant attention is required at work. This can often lead to stress and have a negative impact on our health and relationships. This article will explore some tips on how to find the right work-life balance.

The first step to achieving work-life balance is to set priorities.

Our time and energy are limited, so we need to consider what is truly important to us and where we want to focus our efforts. In our business life, it is important to focus on the most pressing tasks and avoid overloading ourselves with the less important ones. In our private lives, we need to make time for things that make us happy, such as socialising with friends, hobbies, sports activities or simply relaxing.

The second step to achieving the right balance is to be aware of your biorhythm, i.e. when we are most productive and when we need time to rest.

Some people are most productive in the morning, others in the late evening. It is important to try to adapt your schedule and work to your most productive time. It is also important to take time to rest and take a break when we need it. Regular breaks can help us focus on our work, while also reducing stress and improving our well-being.

The third step to achieving balance is to set boundaries between our personal and professional lives.

This means trying to avoid working during our free time and making time for family, friends and other hobbies. It is important to be true to ourselves and stick to our plans to avoid being overwhelmed. We can also set limits at work, for example by limiting the time we spend on email or on the phone when we are not at work.

Work-life balance is a challenge faced by many people who want to balance their personal and professional commitments. Although it may seem impossible, a balance between the two is achievable if we stick to the key principles outlined here. Persevere, even if every now and then a day comes when you don’t manage to do it. A healthy work-life balance is more than just one day. It can be looked at over the course of a week, so that the first part is for work and the second part is for family. As the year progresses, we know that the holiday months and festive seasons are more about private life and the rest about work. Life also has periods in which we build a family and periods in which we build a career. That is why it is crucial to be aware of where we are and why we are there. Good luck on your life’s journey.

About the lecturer

Zinka Kosec is a lecturer at DOBA with 18 years of experience in the field of education of individuals, employees and students.

Her areas of work include the organisation and management of various projects and the delivery of training courses, seminars, workshops and trainings. 

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